Publications - Link Lab

Afsaneh Doryab Publications

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2024 (1)
Ringwald, W. R.; Creswell, K. G.; Low, C. A.; Doryab, A. ; Chung, T.; Oliva, J. B.; Fisher, Z. F.; Gates, K. M.; and Wright, A. G. Common and Uncommon Drinking Patterns in Young Adulthood Uncovered by Person-Specific Computational Modeling. Unknown Journal . 2024.
Common and Uncommon Drinking Patterns in Young Adulthood Uncovered by Person-Specific Computational Modeling [link] Paper link bibtex
2023 (9)
Li, B.; Tavakoli, A.; Wang, A.; Kaur, N.; Barnes, L. E.; Doryab, A. ; and Heydarian, A. Measuring Success, One Sensor at a Time: A Sensing Infrastructure for Longitudinal Workspace Behavior Monitoring. Unknown Journal . 2023.
Measuring Success, One Sensor at a Time: A Sensing Infrastructure for Longitudinal Workspace Behavior Monitoring [link] Paper link bibtex
Landers, M.; and Doryab, A. Deep Reinforcement Learning Verification: A Survey. ACM computing surveys . 2023.
Deep Reinforcement Learning Verification: A Survey [link] Paper link bibtex
Creswell, J. D.; Tumminia, M.; Price, S.; Sefidgar, Y. S.; Cohen, S.; Ren, Y.; Brown, J.; Dey, A. K.; Dutcher, J. M.; Villalba, D. K.; Mankoff, J.; Xu, X.; Creswell, K. G.; Doryab, A. ; Mattingly, S. M.; Striegel, A.; Hachen, D.; Martínez, G. J.; and Lovett, M. C. Nightly sleep duration predicts grade point average in the first year of college. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . 2023.
Nightly sleep duration predicts grade point average in the first year of college [link] Paper link bibtex
Li, B.; Tavakoli, A.; Wang, A.; Kaur, N.; Barnes, L. E.; Doryab, A. ; and Heydarian, A. Measuring Success, One Sensor at a Time: A Sensing Infrastructure for Longitudinal Workspace Behavior Monitoring. Unknown Journal . 2023.
Measuring Success, One Sensor at a Time: A Sensing Infrastructure for Longitudinal Workspace Behavior Monitoring [link] Paper link bibtex
Sadekar, P.; Baitinger, J.; Conway, S.; Clark, M.; and Doryab, A. Personalization in Circadian Rhythm-Based Event Scheduling. Unknown Journal . 2023.
Personalization in Circadian Rhythm-Based Event Scheduling [link] Paper link bibtex
Yan, R.; Liu, X.; Dutcher, J. M.; Tumminia, M.; Villalba, D. K.; Cohen, S.; Creswell, D.; Creswell, K. G.; Mankoff, J.; Dey, A. K.; and Doryab, A. Identifying Links between Productivity and Biobehavioral Rhythms Modeled from Multimodal Sensor Streams (Preprint). JMIR AI . 2023.
Identifying Links between Productivity and Biobehavioral Rhythms Modeled from Multimodal Sensor Streams (Preprint) [link] Paper link bibtex
Gao, J.; Yan, R.; and Doryab, A. Modeling Regularity and Predictability in Human Behavior from Multidimensional Sensing Signals and Personal Characteristics. Unknown Journal . 2023.
Modeling Regularity and Predictability in Human Behavior from Multidimensional Sensing Signals and Personal Characteristics [link] Paper link bibtex
Beloborodova, P.; Dutcher, J. M.; Villalba, D. K.; Tumminia, M.; Doryab, A. ; Creswell, K. G.; Cohen, S.; Sefidgar, Y. S.; Seo, W.; Mankoff, J.; Dey, A. K.; Creswell, J. D.; and Brown, K. W. College Students’ Daily Mind Wandering is Related to Lower Social Well-Being. Unknown Journal . 2023.
College Students’ Daily Mind Wandering is Related to Lower Social Well-Being [link] Paper link bibtex
Li, B.; Tavakoli, A.; Wang, A.; Kaur, N.; Barnes, L. E.; Doryab, A. ; and Heydarian, A. Measuring Success, One Sensor at a Time: A Sensing Infrastructure for Longitudinal Workspace Behavior Monitoring. Unknown Journal . 2023.
Measuring Success, One Sensor at a Time: A Sensing Infrastructure for Longitudinal Workspace Behavior Monitoring [link] Paper link bibtex
2022 (7)
Mullick, T.; Radovic, A.; Shaaban, S.; and Doryab, A. Predicting Depression in Adolescents Using Mobile and Wearable Sensors: Multimodal Machine Learning–Based Exploratory Study. JMIR formative research . 2022.
Predicting Depression in Adolescents Using Mobile and Wearable Sensors: Multimodal Machine Learning–Based Exploratory Study [link] Paper link bibtex
Yan, R.; Ringwald, W. R.; Hernandez, J. V.; Kehl, M.; Bae, S.; Dey, A. K.; Low, C. A.; Wright, A. G.; and Doryab, A. Exploratory machine learning modeling of adaptive and maladaptive personality traits from passively sensed behavior. Future generation computer systems . 2022.
Exploratory machine learning modeling of adaptive and maladaptive personality traits from passively sensed behavior [link] Paper link bibtex
Yan, R.; Liu, X.; Dutcher, J. M.; Tumminia, M.; Villalba, D. K.; Cohen, S.; Creswell, D.; Creswell, K. G.; Mankoff, J.; Dey, A. K.; and Doryab, A. A Computational Framework for Modeling Biobehavioral Rhythms from Mobile and Wearable Data Streams. ACM transactions on intelligent systems and technology (Print) . 2022.
A Computational Framework for Modeling Biobehavioral Rhythms from Mobile and Wearable Data Streams [link] Paper link bibtex
Dutcher, J. M.; Lederman, J.; Jain, M.; Price, S.; Kumar, A.; Villalba, D. K.; Tumminia, M.; Doryab, A. ; Creswell, K. G.; Riskin, E. A.; Sefdigar, Y.; Seo, W.; Mankoff, J.; Cohen, S.; Dey, A. K.; and Creswell, J. D. Lack of Belonging Predicts Depressive Symptomatology in College Students. Psychological Science . 2022.
Lack of Belonging Predicts Depressive Symptomatology in College Students [link] Paper link bibtex
Clark, M.; and Doryab, A. Sounds of Health. Proceedings of the ACM on interactive, mobile, wearable and ubiquitous technologies . 2022.
Sounds of Health [link] Paper link bibtex
Karumuri, H.; Kimche, L.; Toker, O.; and Doryab, A. Context-Aware Recommendation Via Interactive Conversational Agents: A Case in Business Analytics. Unknown Journal . 2022.
Context-Aware Recommendation Via Interactive Conversational Agents: A Case in Business Analytics [link] Paper link bibtex
Shenoy, S.; Jiang, Y.; Lynch, T.; Manuel, L. I.; and Doryab, A. A Self Learning System for Emotion Awareness and Adaptation in Humanoid Robots. 2022 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) . 2022.
A Self Learning System for Emotion Awareness and Adaptation in Humanoid Robots [link] Paper link bibtex
2021 (21)
Fazli, M.; Kowsari, K.; Gharavi, E.; Barnes, L. E.; and Doryab, A. HHAR-net: Hierarchical Human Activity Recognition using Neural Networks. Lecture notes in computer science . 2021.
HHAR-net: Hierarchical Human Activity Recognition using Neural Networks [link] Paper link bibtex
Chikersal, P.; Doryab, A. ; Tumminia, M.; Villalba, D. K.; Dutcher, J. M.; Liu, X.; Cohen, S.; Creswell, K. G.; Mankoff, J.; Creswell, J. D.; Goel, M.; and Dey, A. K. Detecting Depression and Predicting its Onset Using Longitudinal Symptoms Captured by Passive Sensing. ACM transactions on computer-human interaction . 2021.
Detecting Depression and Predicting its Onset Using Longitudinal Symptoms Captured by Passive Sensing [link] Paper link bibtex
Xu, X.; Chikersal, P.; Dutcher, J. M.; Sefidgar, Y. S.; Seo, W.; Tumminia, M.; Villalba, D. K.; Cohen, S.; Creswell, K. G.; Creswell, J. D.; Doryab, A. ; Nurius, P. S.; Riskin, E. A.; Dey, A. K.; and Mankoff, J. Leveraging Collaborative-Filtering for Personalized Behavior Modeling. Proceedings of the ACM on interactive, mobile, wearable and ubiquitous technologies . 2021.
Leveraging Collaborative-Filtering for Personalized Behavior Modeling [link] Paper link bibtex
Low, C. A.; Li, M.; Vega, J.; Durica, K. C.; Ferreira, D.; Tam, V.; Hogg, M. E.; Zeh, H. J.; Doryab, A. ; and Dey, A. K. Digital Biomarkers of Symptom Burden Self-Reported by Perioperative Patients Undergoing Pancreatic Surgery: Prospective Longitudinal Study. JMIR cancer . 2021.
Digital Biomarkers of Symptom Burden Self-Reported by Perioperative Patients Undergoing Pancreatic Surgery: Prospective Longitudinal Study [link] Paper link bibtex
Fazli, M.; Kowsari, K.; Gharavi, E.; Barnes, L. E.; and Doryab, A. HHAR-net: Hierarchical Human Activity Recognition using Neural Networks. Lecture notes in computer science . 2021.
HHAR-net: Hierarchical Human Activity Recognition using Neural Networks [link] Paper link bibtex
Shenoy, S.; Hou, Y.; Wang, X.; Nikseresht, F.; and Doryab, A. Adaptive Humanoid Robots for Pain Management in Children. Unknown Journal . 2021.
Adaptive Humanoid Robots for Pain Management in Children [link] Paper link bibtex
Bonaquist, A.; Grehan, M.; Haines, O.; Keogh, J.; Mullick, T.; Singh, N.; Shaaban, S.; Radovic, A.; and Doryab, A. An Automated Machine Learning Pipeline for Monitoring and Forecasting Mobile Health Data. Unknown Journal . 2021.
An Automated Machine Learning Pipeline for Monitoring and Forecasting Mobile Health Data [link] Paper link bibtex
Branco, D.; Carrington, P.; Din, S. D.; Doryab, A. ; Gjoreski, H.; Guerreiro, T.; McNaney, R.; Montague, K.; Pradhan, A.; Rodrigues, A.; and Vega, J. Wild by Design: Workshop on Designing Ubiquitous Health Monitoring Technologies for Challenging Environments. Unknown Journal . 2021.
Wild by Design: Workshop on Designing Ubiquitous Health Monitoring Technologies for Challenging Environments [link] Paper link bibtex
Nikseresht, F.; Yan, R.; Lew, R.; Liu, Y.; Sebastian, R.; and Doryab, A. Detection of Racial Bias from Physiological Responses. Lecture notes in networks and systems (Online) . 2021.
Detection of Racial Bias from Physiological Responses [link] Paper link bibtex
Yan, R.; and Doryab, A. Towards a Computational Framework for Automated Discovery and Modeling of Biological Rhythms from Wearable Data Streams. Unknown Journal . 2021.
Towards a Computational Framework for Automated Discovery and Modeling of Biological Rhythms from Wearable Data Streams. [link] Paper link bibtex
Cai, M.; Yan, R.; and Doryab, A. Daily Trajectory Prediction Using Temporal Frequent Pattern Tree. Lecture notes in networks and systems . 2021.
Daily Trajectory Prediction Using Temporal Frequent Pattern Tree [link] Paper link bibtex
Doryab, A. Critical thinking of mobile sensing for health. Crossroads . 2021.
Critical thinking of mobile sensing for health [link] Paper link bibtex
Qian, C.; Leelaprachakul, P.; Landers, M.; Low, C. A.; Dey, A. K.; and Doryab, A. Prediction of Hospital Readmission from Longitudinal Mobile Data Streams. Sensors (Basel) . 2021.
Prediction of Hospital Readmission from Longitudinal Mobile Data Streams [link] Paper link bibtex
Kim, A.; Nikseresht, F.; Dutcher, J. M.; Tumminia, M.; Villalba, D. K.; Cohen, S.; Creswel, K.; Creswell, D.; Dey, A. K.; Mankoff, J.; and Doryab, A. Understanding health and behavioral trends of successful students through machine learning models. arXiv (Cornell University) . 2021.
Understanding health and behavioral trends of successful students through machine learning models [link] Paper link bibtex
Yan, R.; and Doryab, A. Towards a Computational Framework for Automated Discovery and Modeling of Biological Rhythms from Wearable Data Streams. Lecture notes in networks and systems . 2021.
Towards a Computational Framework for Automated Discovery and Modeling of Biological Rhythms from Wearable Data Streams [link] Paper link bibtex
Kim, A.; Nikseresht, F.; Dutcher, J. M.; Tumminia, M.; Villalba, D. K.; Cohen, S.; Creswel, K.; Creswell, J. D.; Dey, A. K.; Mankoff, J.; and Doryab, A. Understanding Health and Behavioral Trends of Successful Students Through Machine Learning Models. Advances in intelligent systems and computing . 2021.
Understanding Health and Behavioral Trends of Successful Students Through Machine Learning Models [link] Paper link bibtex
Yan, R.; Ringwald, W. R.; Vega, J.; Kehl, M.; Bae, S. W.; Dey, A. D.; Low, C.; Wright, A. G.; and Doryab, A. Exploratory Machine Learning Modeling of Adaptive and Maladaptive Personality Traits from Passively Sensed Behavior. Unknown Journal . 2021.
Exploratory Machine Learning Modeling of Adaptive and Maladaptive Personality Traits from Passively Sensed Behavior [link] Paper link bibtex
Mullick, T.; Radovic, A.; Shaaban, S.; and Doryab, A. Predicting Depression in Adolescents Using Mobile and Wearable Sensors: Multimodal Machine Learning–Based Exploratory Study (Preprint). Unknown Journal . 2021.
Predicting Depression in Adolescents Using Mobile and Wearable Sensors: Multimodal Machine Learning–Based Exploratory Study (Preprint) [link] Paper link bibtex
Nikseresht, F.; Yan, R.; Lew, R. J.; Liu, Y.; Sebastian, R.; and Doryab, A. Detection of Racial Bias from Physiological Responses. arXiv (Cornell University) . 2021.
Detection of Racial Bias from Physiological Responses [link] Paper link bibtex
Nikseresht, F.; Yan, R.; Lew, R.; Liu, Y.; Sebastian, R.; and Doryab, A. Detection of Racial Bias from Physiological Responses. arXiv (Cornell University) . 2021.
Detection of Racial Bias from Physiological Responses [pdf] Paper link bibtex
Low, C. A.; Li, M.; Vega, J.; Durica, K. C.; Ferreira, D.; Tam, V.; Vining, C. C.; Zeh, H. J.; Doryab, A. ; and Dey, A. K. Digital Biomarkers of Symptom Burden Self-Reported by Perioperative Patients Undergoing Pancreatic Surgery: Prospective Longitudinal Study (Preprint). Unknown Journal . 2021.
Digital Biomarkers of Symptom Burden Self-Reported by Perioperative Patients Undergoing Pancreatic Surgery: Prospective Longitudinal Study (Preprint) [link] Paper link bibtex
2020 (10)
Fazli, M.; Kowsari, K.; Gharavi, E.; Barnes, L. E.; and Doryab, A. HHAR-net: Hierarchical Human Activity Recognition using Neural Networks. arXiv (Cornell University) . 2020.
HHAR-net: Hierarchical Human Activity Recognition using Neural Networks [link] Paper link bibtex
Fazli, M.; Kowsari, K.; Gharavi, E.; Barnes, L. E.; and Doryab, A. HHAR-net: Hierarchical Human Activity Recognition using Neural Networks. arXiv (Cornell University) . 2020.
HHAR-net: Hierarchical Human Activity Recognition using Neural Networks [pdf] Paper link bibtex
Price, S. D.; Chikersal, P.; Doryab, A. ; Villalba, D. K.; Dutcher, J. M.; Tumminia, M.; Cohen, S.; Creswell, K. G.; Mankoff, J.; Dey, A. K.; and Creswell, D. 0258 Early Semester Sleep Variability Predicts Depression Among College Students. Sleep (New York, N.Y.) . 2020.
0258 Early Semester Sleep Variability Predicts Depression Among College Students [link] Paper link bibtex
Carper, B.; McGowan, D.; Miller, S.; Nelson, J.; Palombi, L.; Romeo, L.; Spigelman, K.; and Doryab, A. Modeling Biological Rhythms to Predict Mental and Physical Readiness. Unknown Journal . 2020.
Modeling Biological Rhythms to Predict Mental and Physical Readiness [link] Paper link bibtex
Chen, X.; and Doryab, A. Optimizing the Feature Selection Process for Better Accuracy in Datasets with a Large Number of Features (Student Abstract). Proceedings of the ... AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence . 2020.
Optimizing the Feature Selection Process for Better Accuracy in Datasets with a Large Number of Features (Student Abstract) [link] Paper link bibtex
Yan, R.; Liu, X.; Dutcher, J. M.; Tumminia, M.; Villalba, D. K.; Cohen, S.; Creswell, D.; Creswell, K. G.; Mankoff, J.; Dey, A. K.; and Doryab, A. CoRhythMo: A Computational Framework for Modeling Biobehavioral Rhythms from Mobile and Wearable Data Streams. bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory) . 2020.
CoRhythMo: A Computational Framework for Modeling Biobehavioral Rhythms from Mobile and Wearable Data Streams [link] Paper link bibtex
Fazli, M.; Kowsari, K.; Gharavi, E.; Barnes, L. E.; and Doryab, A. HHAR-net: Hierarchical Human Activity Recognition using Neural Networks. arXiv (Cornell University) . 2020.
HHAR-net: Hierarchical Human Activity Recognition using Neural Networks [link] Paper link bibtex
Doryab, A. A Deep Learning Framework for Prediction of Readmission Risk After Cancer Surgery from Mobile Data Streams. Unknown Journal . 2020.
A Deep Learning Framework for Prediction of Readmission Risk After Cancer Surgery from Mobile Data Streams [link] Paper link bibtex
Malik, M. M.; Doryab, A. ; Merrill, M.; Pfeffer, J.; and Dey, A. K. Can Smartphone Co-locations Detect Friendship? It Depends How You Model It. arXiv (Cornell University) . 2020.
Can Smartphone Co-locations Detect Friendship? It Depends How You Model It. [link] Paper link bibtex
Fazli, M.; Kowsari, K.; Gharavi, E.; Barnes, L. E.; and Doryab, A. HHAR-net: Hierarchical Human Activity Recognition using Neural Networks. arXiv (Cornell University) . 2020.
HHAR-net: Hierarchical Human Activity Recognition using Neural Networks [pdf] Paper link bibtex
2019 (7)
Doryab, A. ; Villalba, D. K.; Chikersal, P.; Dutcher, J. M.; Tumminia, M.; Liu, X.; Cohen, S.; Creswell, K. G.; Mankoff, J.; Creswell, J. D.; and Dey, A. K. Identifying Behavioral Phenotypes of Loneliness and Social Isolation with Passive Sensing: Statistical Analysis, Data Mining and Machine Learning of Smartphone and Fitbit Data. JMIR mhealth and uhealth . 2019.
Identifying Behavioral Phenotypes of Loneliness and Social Isolation with Passive Sensing: Statistical Analysis, Data Mining and Machine Learning of Smartphone and Fitbit Data [link] Paper link bibtex
Xu, X.; Chikersal, P.; Doryab, A. ; Villalba, D. K.; Dutcher, J. M.; Tumminia, M.; Althoff, T.; Cohen, S.; Creswell, K. G.; Creswell, J. D.; Mankoff, J.; and Dey, A. K. Leveraging Routine Behavior and Contextually-Filtered Features for Depression Detection among College Students. Proceedings of the ACM on interactive, mobile, wearable and ubiquitous technologies . 2019.
Leveraging Routine Behavior and Contextually-Filtered Features for Depression Detection among College Students [link] Paper link bibtex
Doryab, A. ; Dey, A. K.; Kao, G.; and Low, C. A. Modeling Biobehavioral Rhythms with Passive Sensing in the Wild. Proceedings of the ACM on interactive, mobile, wearable and ubiquitous technologies . 2019.
Modeling Biobehavioral Rhythms with Passive Sensing in the Wild [link] Paper link bibtex
Roth, A. M.; Reig, S.; Bhatt, U.; Shulgach, J.; Amin, T.; Doryab, A. ; Fang, F.; and Veloso, M. A Robot’s Expressive Language Affects Human Strategy and Perceptions in a Competitive Game. Unknown Journal . 2019.
A Robot’s Expressive Language Affects Human Strategy and Perceptions in a Competitive Game [link] Paper link bibtex
Chen, J.; Doryab, A. ; Hanrahan, B. V.; Yousfi, A.; Beck, J.; Wang, X.; Bellotti, V.; Dey, A. K.; and Carroll, J. M. Context-Aware Coproduction: Implications for Recommendation Algorithms. Lecture notes in computer science . 2019.
Context-Aware Coproduction: Implications for Recommendation Algorithms [link] Paper link bibtex
Roth, A. M.; Reig, S.; Bhatt, U.; Shulgach, J.; Amin, T.; Doryab, A. ; Fang, F.; and Veloso, M. A Robot's Expressive Language Affects Human Strategy and Perceptions in a Competitive Game. Unknown Journal . 2019.
A Robot's Expressive Language Affects Human Strategy and Perceptions in a Competitive Game [link] Paper link bibtex
Roth, A. M.; Reig, S.; Bhatt, U.; Shulgach, J.; Amin, T.; Doryab, A. ; Fang, F.; and Veloso, M. A Robot's Expressive Language Affects Human Strategy and Perceptions in a Competitive Game. arXiv (Cornell University) . 2019.
A Robot's Expressive Language Affects Human Strategy and Perceptions in a Competitive Game [link] Paper link bibtex
2018 (5)
Doryab, A. ; Chikarsel, P.; Liu, X.; and Dey, A. K. Extraction of Behavioral Features from Smartphone and Wearable Data. arXiv (Cornell University) . 2018.
Extraction of Behavioral Features from Smartphone and Wearable Data. [pdf] Paper link bibtex
Doryab, A. Identifying Symptoms Using Technology. Springer eBooks . 2018.
Identifying Symptoms Using Technology [link] Paper link bibtex
Roth, A. M.; Bhatt, U.; Amin, T.; Doryab, A. ; Fang, F.; and Veloso, M. The Impact of Humanoid Affect Expression on Human Behavior in a Game-Theoretic Setting. arXiv (Cornell University) . 2018.
The Impact of Humanoid Affect Expression on Human Behavior in a Game-Theoretic Setting [pdf] Paper link bibtex
Doryab, A. ; Villalba, D. K.; Chikersal, P.; Dutcher, J. M.; Tumminia, M.; Liu, X.; Cohen, S.; Creswell, K. G.; Mankoff, J.; Creswell, J. D.; and Dey, A. K. Identifying Behavioral Phenotypes of Loneliness and Social Isolation with Passive Sensing: Statistical Analysis, Data Mining and Machine Learning of Smartphone and Fitbit Data (Preprint). Unknown Journal . 2018.
Identifying Behavioral Phenotypes of Loneliness and Social Isolation with Passive Sensing: Statistical Analysis, Data Mining and Machine Learning of Smartphone and Fitbit Data (Preprint) [link] Paper link bibtex
Doryab, A. ; Chikarsel, P.; Liu, X.; and Dey, A. K. Extraction of Behavioral Features from Smartphone and Wearable Data. arXiv (Cornell University) . 2018.
Extraction of Behavioral Features from Smartphone and Wearable Data [link] Paper link bibtex
2017 (4)
Low, C. A.; Dey, A. K.; Ferreira, D.; Kamarck, T. W.; Sun, W.; Bae, S.; and Doryab, A. Estimation of Symptom Severity During Chemotherapy From Passively Sensed Data: Exploratory Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research . 2017.
Estimation of Symptom Severity During Chemotherapy From Passively Sensed Data: Exploratory Study [link] Paper link bibtex
Doryab, A. ; Bellotti, V.; Yousfi, A.; Wu, S.; Carroll, J. M.; and Dey, A. K. If It’s Convenient. Proceedings of the ACM on interactive, mobile, wearable and ubiquitous technologies . 2017.
If It’s Convenient [link] Paper link bibtex
Low, C. A.; Dey, A. K.; Ferreira, D.; Kamarck, T.; Sun, W.; Bae, S.; and Doryab, A. Estimation of Symptom Severity During Chemotherapy From Passively Sensed Data: Exploratory Study. Unknown Journal . 2017.
Estimation of Symptom Severity During Chemotherapy From Passively Sensed Data: Exploratory Study [link] Paper link bibtex
Low, C. A.; Dey, A. K.; Ferreira, D.; Kamarck, T.; Sun, W.; Bae, S.; and Doryab, A. Estimation of Symptom Severity During Chemotherapy From Passively Sensed Data: Exploratory Study (Preprint). Unknown Journal . 2017.
Estimation of Symptom Severity During Chemotherapy From Passively Sensed Data: Exploratory Study (Preprint) [link] Paper link bibtex